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Advanced technology is used in this headset designed for communicating with 2 other radios.  One button is featured on each ear cup in order to communicate with 2 separate radios.  The 2 radios receiving communications can be on the same radio channel or different radio channels.  Both buttons can be pushed at the same time and the 2 receiving radios will receive communication simultaneously at the exact same time, or they can be pushed individually to speak to each location separately.    


This is the highest quality and lightest headset in the industry; it is designed for the ultimate comfort, durabilty, and clarity. The microphone is mounted on a flex boom and has a ratcheting style adjustment, to ensure the microphone remains in position, and it can be adjusted 180 degrees for both left and right microphone usage. This headset was designed to be used with Motorola and Radium digital radios and all other radios in the radio communications industry.


  • Ear cups made with 100% Carbon Fiber 

  • 150ohm flex boom mic with excellent noise attenuation properties.

  • These come with the strongest cabling available ensuring minimal failures.

  • Weighs  only 256g (9.03oz or .56lbs)

  • This headset must be plugged into TWO portable radios in order to communicate with radios in 2 separate race cars or 2 different radio locations.

  • Headset cable for the radio is NOT included.  2 cables are needed based on the type of radio you will be using.  MOT-CCE (Motorola radio) KEN-CCE (Kenwood radio) VER-CCE (Vertex radio) cables are required for this headset according to the radio that will be purchased to connect with this headset. 

PLEASE CALL 386-760-7110 for support if you have any questions and one of our friendly technicians on staff can answer any and all questions you may have.


Carbon Fiber Dual Radio Over The Head Headset

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